With everything going around us – this is what 2020 feels like. 🙁
// Livelock == an infinite loop that
// means the program is frozen
#define FROZEN while(1)
// in hell, there are demons with pitchforks
#define HELL fork();
With everything going around us – this is what 2020 feels like. 🙁
// Livelock == an infinite loop that
// means the program is frozen
#define FROZEN while(1)
// in hell, there are demons with pitchforks
#define HELL fork();
I think this from xkcd sums up my afternoon quite nicely. Messed up a repo, and then was trying to ‘clean up’.
A huge thank you to Lily, on the team, for working with me to cleaning up my mess, and helping me show some of the ropes.
I know there are quite a few tutorials our there a couple of these that I found including one from Lily.
So go ahead, and setup a experiment repo and don’t be afraid to play and break things.
Maybe this needs to be updated to reflect Git, from REST. 🙂
Rain drops as I dive,
into packet stream; Chaos.
Malicious patterns.
#Haiku #GeekHaiku
A key virtue of a programmer is laziness. As an example it is what inspires me to automate my home to the point where I don’t have to lift a finger to switch on the light. Removing friction from a system is a anesthetic joy. The drug of efficiency, feels really good.
I still write code and people get surprised by that sometimes – maybe it’s the quality of the code 🤓.
Despite all the cloud talk and where I live, it is like the cloud mecca, for enterprises it is still quite new and many are just starting to think about it. A hard lesson that many of us learn (and partly how we amass our scars) is to design for failures. For those, who run things in their enterprises data center, are quite spoilt I think. Failures are rare, and if machines or state goes down, moving to another one isn’t really a big deal (of course it is a little more complex, and not to say, there isn’t any down time, or business loss, etc.).
When thinking about a cloud migration (hybrid or otherwise) – a key rule is that you are guaranteed to have failures – at many aspects, and those cannot be exceptional conditions, but rather the normal design and expected behavior. As a result, you app/services/API/whatever needs to be designed for failure. And not only how your loosely couple your architecture to be able to handle these situations, but also, how the response isn’t a binary (yay, or a fancy 404); but rather a degraded experience, where your app/service/API/whatever still performs albeit in a deprecated mode.
Things that can throw one off, and is food for thought (not exhaustive, or on any particular order):
Again, not an exhaustive list, but rather meant to get one thinking. There are also some inherent assumptions – e.g. automation and production deployment suggests, there is some automated testing in place; and a CI/CD strategy and supporting tools.
Bottom line – when it comes to cloud (or any other distributed architecture), the best way to avoid failure is to fail constantly!
Recently, a few of us went through a workshop where one of the ‘homework’ was to score oneself, on the following 7 aspects – some of these are attributes that allows one to grow from being (hopefully) good managers to great leaders.
In most enterprises, as one grows in their career, managers need to acquire new capabilities – and quickly. What they have, in terms of skills and capabilities and got her or him to this place, won’t be enough for the next step – as the scope and complexity increases it can leave executives underwhelmed. At the core, new executives need support on these seven dimensions that will help them make this transition.
I was surprised on how few people talk about this. These come from an awesome HBR article called How Managers become Leaders, which if you haven’t read, I would highly recommend.
So, what can one do? The suggestions outlined are not rocket science, but something to think about. And fundamentally not that much different on how the armed forces trains new officers.
At a recent internal meeting, we were discussing productivity and the various levels of distractions that one has these days. Did you know that there is a hierarchy of digital distractions (see image below). No wonder, in todays connected, and agile world, for some people why it is so difficult to get any actual work done (that is not to suggest that they are not busy of course).
At this meeting, analogy of the distraction was coined as the “monkey” – the monkey that each of us has on our shoulder and the constant attention it demands – I.e. the distraction. And we all know we cannot control this monkey and bottle it up. The idea isn’t to try and bottle it up, which will rattle it more trying to get out and demand more attention – but rather let it out in a controlled manner for some time – similar to how one would take a dog out for a walk (of course different outcomes) .
So instead of avoiding distractions, which might be very difficult for some folks, the idea is to let it out in a controlled manner – so the monkey is entertained and happy. This will help concentrate on the rest of the times and enable one to be more productive. And the science behind is how our brains gets the same effect as with drugs, and the ‘pleasure’ effects – it is both fascinating and scary.
Chaos reigns within.
Reflect, repent, and reboot.
Order shall return.
#haiku #GeekyHaiku
We, humans, are multi-threaded by design and can do many things in parallel – with two exceptions I think. The only two blocking function we have to deal with are sneezing and farting. During these times, all current activity must be suspended for the duration. And of course it can be pretty annoying (or depending on the function, embarrassing).
So next time you check in some code, think about it – is this smelly and sneezy (yep, that’s a word, now) or have I done the right thing?
The legacy all parents should give to their children is an insurance policy in happiness; but the premiums must be paid today during their upbringing.
You think Life is the mystery; Life is but the rapture of flight – Allama Iqbal
How inspirational is this! I get goose bumps just seeing it. Awesome. If you put your mind to it, anything is possible.
not those here-and-now colours
but in memory
cloudy sky is filled
full of black twiggy branches
a large crow shoots past
picket fence and trees
standing tall like sentinels
like sad sentinels
comes-on quietly
so benign the sensation
so bloody empty!
this revelation
times at last you think you know
shrug! alas you don’t
fleeting memory
self-flagellation head-shake
another one lost
again and again
scene full of twiggy branches
black crow descending
🙁 😥
Lessons from the Internet – If you never learn how to fail, you will never learn to scale!
Who cares what it smells like, it’s what it sounds like that matters. See the first 54 seconds, and then you will be hooked.
Got a really good read from Jerome, fellow Avanade colleague – ten extraordinary things bosses give their employees. Not surprisingly, good bosses care about getting important things done. And exceptional bosses care about their people.
More details here.
I came across this very interesting article in the guardian called “Google logic: why Google does the things it does the way it does“. This is a fascinating insight and a lot of it makes sense to me. What was also interesting to understand a little more on how the mindset is very different from the other corporates and technology leaders out there. Especially interesting the self-righteous view one perceives that Google has of themselves. It is a little long, but worth a read.
I am probably the only guy on the planet who broke his Surface Pro device! 😳 So much so that the screen shattered – so much for Gorilla glass and all that!
I was starting out on a 4 week long trip and the Surface slipped and fell at the airport when taking it out for the X-Ray machine. It fell on one corner and the screen shattered. With small pieces of glass everywhere on it, it was not usable. However it did work when I switched it on a week later. Here are a few photos that show the extend of the damage and the fact that it was still working post that!