How to run TeslaMate on Azure

If you have a Tesla, then you should absolutely check out TeslaMate which is data logger for your car(s) that one self-hosts. This uses the car’s API and gets all different kinds of telemetry of your drives, charging, batter conditions, acceleration, braking, parking, etc. I personally prefer this, over other online services (of which there are a few) – as it is giving away the keys to the kingdom – literally in this case (the Tokens used to authenticate and login).

I have been running TeslaMate at home on a couple of machines for a while and figured a cloud version would work out better. I had network issues on one of the machines, where no car telemetry was downloaded. It was a few days before I realized that the machine wasn’t online due to a separate DNS issue and those few days’ worth of car telemetry (drives and other data of course) wasn’t recorded.

In our example, we will deploy TeslaMate in a docker container running on Ubuntu – which is hosted on Azure. To help with isolation and managing this, I would recommend we use a resource group (RG) only for running TeslaMate. Of course, we need an Azure subscription, which I would assume you already have.

If you are not familiar with TeslaMate, before we get started here, I would highly recommend checking out the features, including some screenshots and the installation documentation to get an idea.

Web Interface
TeslaMate Overview (Credit: TeslaMate GitHub repro)

Step 1 – Creating new RG

We start by logging into the Azure portal and create a new resource group (RG) for TeslaMate; if you are not sure how to do this, the documentation here outlines the steps needed. Once you have an empty RG, it would look something like the screenshot below.

New Azure Resource Group

Step 2 – Creating new Ubuntu VM

Now that we have a new RG, we need to create a new Ubuntu virtual machine (VM) in that. We will choose the option to create resources as shown in the middle of the screen (see previous screenshot).

Clicking on “Create resources”, we see various menu options; the options you see might be a little different than the one shown below.

Create a resource – Azure

We need to create a Virtual Machine – the first choice under “Popular Azure services” and will click the “Create” link. This starts a wizard that allows you to go through the various settings and options.

The first step when creating a VM is to start with the basic details for machine we are creating – instance details, subscription details, admin user details, etc. I outline the steps and show screenshots to help those who are not comfortable with this level of tech, or new to Azure. If you are a more advanced user, a more efficient way would be via the Azure CLI. You can read up more details on VM’s on Azure here.

Step 3 – VM Basics

  • Subscription and resource group – Make sure you have the correct subscription and RG selected. If you haven’t created a new RG yet, you can do so using the “Create new” link under the RG option (see the screenshot below).
  • VM Name – You can give the VM any name – this is more for you to remember and manage.
  • Region – In terms of a region, in most cases it would make sense to pick a region that is physically close to the same area where you are based (and the car too of course).
  • Image – I use the latest Ubuntu LTS image which as of this writing is v20.04 Gen 2.
Create a new VM in Azure
  • Size – In terms of picking the size for the VM – we don’t need a very beefy machine, and needless to say – the bigger the machine, the higher the monthly costs. I keep the standard Size. This is not my main instance as I already have that running – this new instance is being setup as a demo that I will be deleting later.
  • Username – This is obvious and should be something you know and can remember.
  • Password – I choose password as the auth type, more so as this is for demo purposes for this post; ideally ssh keys are more secure and you would want to use that. If you do go down a password path, I cannot stress enough not to reuse passwords and create a strong password; it is always a good idea to use a password manager (e.g., I use LastPass).
Basic details required when setting up a new VM

I chose the simple SSD option; we don’t need a lot of advanced things.

Disk details when setting up a new VM

For the network options, you do want a public IP and, in most cases, just leaving the default would work. And I don’t show it in the screenshot, but we don’t need a load balancer and leave the default option of “None”. And we do want the ability to ssh into the machine to deploy and manage TeslaMate.

Networking details when setting up a new VM

For the Inbound port rules, by default only port 22 is enabled for SSH; to allow us to access the web server we also need to both ports 80 (http) and 443 (https) are enabled as shown in the screenshot below.

Inbound port rules – when setting up a new VM

For the next set of Tabs (Management, Advanced, and Tags) I didn’t change anything and went with the defaults. Once the validations are passed, and the final review shows the cost and other details you choose.

VM Creation – summary
VM Creation – summary
VM Creation – summary

And once you are happy with everything click the Create button on the bottom left corner.

VM Creation confirmation

Once the deployment of the VM starts, it can take a few minutes and you will see a similar progress as shown below.

VM deployment status screen

Once the VM is created, deployed and wired up (which can take a few minutes) – we will see the confirmation as shown below.

VM deployment confirmation

From the confirmation screen, clicking on “Go to resource” takes us to a screen where we see the different details of the VM. One of the details we are interested in at this point is the IP address and the ability to give the machine a DNS name. We need these to be able to connect to the VM over SSH (see screenshot below).

VM essential details

It might be worthwhile to also setup a DNS name that one can use in addition to the IP. This DNS name would be the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) that would be needed later when configuring the docker container. The DNS name allows us to connect to the machine using something like “ (or similar). You can read more details on FQDN in the Azure docs here. If you are interested in using your own DNS server, you can read details on how to go about that here.

Click on the “Not Configured” for the DNS name (as shown in the image below) and you can set a unique name that is something memorable.

VM DNS name

The DNS name is tied to the region you have, and it must be unique.

VM DNS name label creating

And once this is setup, you can see the FQDN in your VM details as shown below.

VM DNS name

If for some reason you didn’t open ports 80 and 443 earlier, you can always configure them now. To do so, in the Azure portal, when you have the Ubuntu VM resource selected, click on Networking on the left, and you can update the Inbound port rules.

VM networking setting
VM adding inbound network rules

When you add both ports (you would need to give them unique names and priority orders), and the final results would look something like the screenshot shown below.

VM network inbound port rules

And finally, we can ssh into that machine using the credentials and the IP we configured earlier. This can be done using ssh (e.g. ssh user-name@IP-address of the machine).

Step 4 – Install Docker

The first thing we need to do once we ssh into the machine is to update the various packages installed. The first time you run this, it will take a few minutes. You do this by running the following commands.

# I prefer to run these separately - to get a handle on what is getting updated.
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

# You can of course run them together if that is what you prefer
sudo apt-get update

This is pretty standard and should not cause any issues; below is the screenshot showing the output – there are too many packages being updated for me to show everything.

Installing docker on our Ubuntu VM isn’t terribly complex – the docker docs outline all the steps and the details. We will want to install from the repro and follow the steps outlined and be mindful of specific versions and drivers.

We setup the repository, and for that need to install the following prerequisites.

sudo apt-get install \
    ca-certificates \
    curl \
    gnupg \

In my case, with the latest Ubuntu image in Azure, we already had these:

Next we add docker’s GPG key using the following command:

curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg

The output isn’t dramatic in case you were wondering.

Next we add docker’s repro to Ubuntu – this will allow us to find and install the packages.

echo \
  "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg] \
  $(lsb_release -cs) stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null

At this time, we should run apt-get update command to update the newly added repository. We should check to ensure that docker is going to be installed from the docker repository, and not Ubuntu’s default. To do this we run the following command.

apt-cache policy docker-ce

This shows us that docker isn’t installed, but the candidate for installation is from and is for “focal” – which is the release name of Ubuntu v20.04. The list we see is long because it outlines the different versions of docker.

Now, we are finally ready to install docker using the following command and also choosing Yes on the prompts that confirm the installation.

sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli

Once complete, you will see something like the output shown below.

At this time, docker should be installed running. We can also check its daemon is configured to run on booting up.

Whilst not needed, it is good practice to add the current username to the docker group created – this will ensure we don’t need to use “sudo” for every docker command. And using the groups command we can validate our current username (“amit” in my case) is in the docker group.

sudo usermod -aG docker ${USER}
su - ${USER} # this allows us to add the user without logging out

Woot! We have docker running.

The first thing one should do with any new docker installation is to run its equivalent of Hello World. This is done using the following command – which downloads a test image and runs it in a container, prints a message, and then exists the container – so a full life cycle.

sudo docker run hello-world

And yay, we validated that docker is up and running on our VM! Congratulations.

Before we get to configuring TeslaMate, we also need to install docker-compose, which is a tool that allows us to run multi-container docker applications (such as TeslaMate). We will install docker-compose using the following command with the result of that command shown after that.

sudo apt install docker-compose

Step 5 – Configure TeslaMate

Given we will be exposing TeslaMate to the internet directly we should not use the default TeslaMate docker installation, but the advanced version which uses Traefik as a proxy server and helps us secure the web server better and only expose the (Grafana) dashboards behind an authentication mechanism.

For this we will create a new folder for TeslaMate which will contain not only the docker compose file needed but other relevant configuration details. I like to keep this in a folder, to help manage – in this case it resides in ~/docker/teslamate

It is in this folder we will create the docker-compose yaml file that is needed; you would want to start with the one outlined in the TeslaMate instructions and tweak it for your needs.

This file needs to be called docker-compose.yml and my example is shared below. It is a good idea to always get the latest yaml file from TeslaMate’s docs – over time we would expect things will evolve and the file below might not be accurate down the road.

version: "3"

    image: teslamate/teslamate:latest
    restart: always
      - database
      - DATABASE_HOST=database
      - MQTT_HOST=mosquitto
      - CHECK_ORIGIN=true
      - TZ=${TM_TZ}
      - ./import:/opt/app/import
      - "traefik.enable=true"
      - "traefik.port=4000"
      - "traefik.http.middlewares.redirect.redirectscheme.scheme=https"
      - "traefik.http.middlewares.teslamate-auth.basicauth.realm=teslamate"
      - "traefik.http.middlewares.teslamate-auth.basicauth.usersfile=/auth/.htpasswd"
      - "traefik.http.routers.teslamate-insecure.rule=Host(`${FQDN_TM}`)"
      - "traefik.http.routers.teslamate-insecure.middlewares=redirect"
      - "traefik.http.routers.teslamate-ws.rule=Host(`${FQDN_TM}`) && Path(`/live/websocket`)"
      - "traefik.http.routers.teslamate-ws.entrypoints=websecure"
      - "traefik.http.routers.teslamate-ws.tls"
      - "traefik.http.routers.teslamate.rule=Host(`${FQDN_TM}`)"
      - "traefik.http.routers.teslamate.middlewares=teslamate-auth"
      - "traefik.http.routers.teslamate.entrypoints=websecure"
      - "traefik.http.routers.teslamate.tls.certresolver=tmhttpchallenge"
      - all

    image: postgres:13
    restart: always
      - teslamate-db:/var/lib/postgresql/data

    image: teslamate/grafana:latest
    restart: always
      - DATABASE_HOST=database
      - GF_SERVER_ROOT_URL=%(protocol)s://%(domain)s/grafana

      - teslamate-grafana-data:/var/lib/grafana
      - "traefik.enable=true"
      - "traefik.port=3000"
      - "traefik.http.middlewares.redirect.redirectscheme.scheme=https"
      - "traefik.http.routers.grafana-insecure.rule=Host(`${FQDN_TM}`)"
      - "traefik.http.routers.grafana-insecure.middlewares=redirect"
      - "traefik.http.routers.grafana.rule=Path(`/grafana`) || PathPrefix(`/grafana/`)"
      - "traefik.http.routers.grafana.entrypoints=websecure"
      - "traefik.http.routers.grafana.tls.certresolver=tmhttpchallenge"

    image: eclipse-mosquitto:2
    restart: always
    command: mosquitto -c /mosquitto-no-auth.conf
      - mosquitto-conf:/mosquitto/config
      - mosquitto-data:/mosquitto/data

    image: traefik:v2.4
    restart: always
      - "--global.sendAnonymousUsage=false"
      - "--providers.docker"
      - "--providers.docker.exposedByDefault=false"
      - "--entrypoints.web.address=:80"
      - "--entrypoints.websecure.address=:443"
      - "--certificatesresolvers.tmhttpchallenge.acme.httpchallenge=true"
      - "--certificatesresolvers.tmhttpchallenge.acme.httpchallenge.entrypoint=web"
      - ""
      - 80:80
      - 443:443
      - ./.htpasswd:/auth/.htpasswd
      - ./acme/:/etc/acme/
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro

Screenshot showing the docker-compose.yml file

Next we need to create a .env file. The environmental secrets (i.e. passwords) are not saved in the yaml file but are stored are stored in this .env file which we will create next.

We will enter the DNS name as the FQDN that you setup earlier for the VM; update the TM_TZ for the time-zone you are based out of. This is the TZ database name, and if you aren’t sure what it should be for your time-zone, check out the details here.

Like the yaml file, you should get the latest .env file template from TeslaMate, as the one shown below might change over time.




If you are not sure on how to create a new file in Ubuntu (or any other Linux distro for that matter) – you can use nano editor as shown below. You need to make sure this is in the same folder as where the docker-compose.yml file is (which is ~/docker/teslamate in our example).

Console screenshot showing how to create .env file

And finally, we need to create a .htpasswd file which is used to authenticate the website (see TeslaMate’s documentation for more details). I chose to create this locally after installing Apache tools, but you can also do it online. Note: this is *not* your Tesla login credentials but are the credentials you will use to access the site we are setting up now.

Console screenshot showing installation of Apache Utils

We can create a new file password as shown below. Given we are in the TeslaMate folder, we don’t have to provide a full path for the file.

htpasswd -c .htpasswd amit
Screenshot showing htpasswd usage

So, in the end we should have the following three files in the same folder:

Screenshot showing director listing

Step 6 – Starting TeslaMate

Now we are finally ready to start the docker container for TeslaMate. When this launches, go to the URL for the DNS name you setup, and login using your Tesla credentials. For the first time, I would recommend running the container attached to the console, so if there are any errors or issues you can see them. Normally you would want to run this detached (which is using the “-d“) option.

# don't forget the sudo command
sudo docker-compose up

The first time you run this, it will take a few minutes to pull all the images, and wire things up. During the process you will see the progress for each image in the various container app.

Console showing docker-compose progress

And finally, if everything is setup properly you should see the container running with the logs in the console of your terminal. This is a running log, and the process is active. You will see something like the screenshot below.

Console showing docker-compose logs

If you didn’t setup a DNS name earlier and thought you can try and use the IP name – that unfortunately will fail with the Traefik proxy server and in the logs, you will see an error to that effect. Let’s Encrypt doesn’t issue certificates for IP addresses as a policy.

Now if we browse the URL (also known as the FQDN) you had setup earlier, you will see an authentication challenge. This is great and shows that the proxy server is setup properly and working as expected.

Traefik http authentication

Once you enter the credentials you setup in the .htpasswd file earlier you will be able to login and see the TeslaMate’s Tesla login!

TeslaMate Tesla authentication screen

Congratulations! You have TeslaMate running on Azure.

Step 7 – Finishing up TeslaMate configuration

Now that you have TeslaMate running, you need to login to Tesla. The best way to do this these days is using existing tokens . There are a few ways to do this, and one of the easiest is using this tool – Tesla API Token.

Once you login, go to Settings and change the Dashboards URL – which would be your FQDN with “/grafana” appended. Remember the credentials you use for the dashboards (i.e. Grafana) are the ones you set in the .env file.

TeslaMate URL configuration

Now that everything is up and running, we can kill the docker-compose process, which is attached to the console, and re-run it detached from the console. To do this, go back to the ssh session we have connected to the Ubuntu VM and press CTRL + C. This will stop that container and you will see a similar output as shown below.

Console output

And now you can restart the container with the “-d” option, which is for detached.

sudo docker-compose up -d
docker-compose output

Congratulations, you have TeslaMate running on an Azure host Ubuntu VM via docker.

Below is a screenshot of my instance that has been running for some time.

TeslaMate Overview Dashboard

Tesla API v3.9.1

Haven’t had time until now to explore on what is new as Tesla continues to push updates. The latest version as of this post is v3.9.1 which is what there I decompiled and when compared to the earlier version (I had posted (v3.8.2), there three new REST API’s outlined below.

Service data from the car – not sure what exactly does this will. Need to try it.

    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/service_data",
    "AUTH": true

Now, when I call that, I get a 200OK response (see below), so it is accepting the request, and that includes the bearer code in the header as expected. I don’t see anything interesting back, but that could be because my car is not in service. Maybe someone who has their vehicle in the service center can try and validate this.

    "response": {}

The next new API is a POST, for reports; and calling this just sends a 200OK back, but I don’t know what it is for. It seems very similar to the SEND_LOG method.

    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/reports",
    "AUTH": true

The next two set of APIs seem quite interesting and related t AutoPilot upgrade. It might be that these could be in app purchases – checking the eligibility, and then allowing one to purchase.

    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/eligible_upgrades",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/purchase_url",
    "AUTH": true

When I try and call the Purchase_URL, I get a HTTP 400, and seems like I am missing some parameters – other than the headers.

    "error": "bad_request",
    "error_description": "The data given to this server does not meet our criteria."

And calling the eligible_upgrades I get a ‘false’. Now I already have AutoPilot, so this might make sense. And given this seems to be a key-value pair, I am guessing there will be other things that Tesla would add over time to up-sell.

    "autopilot": false

The final new API is related to energy sites, and something I of course don’t have or have an interest, but sharing here if someone does care. 🙂

    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/energy_sites/{site_id}/calendar_history",
    "AUTH": true

I am not publishing the full API here as there aren’t significant changes. You of course can see the older post which has the details.

Tesla REST APIs v3.8.2

It has been a while since I played with the various Tesla endpoint (APIs) – been too busy and haven’t had the time. I de-compiled the Tesla app and noticed a few new things in there – or at least new to me.

The following are the ones which seem new and stand out. How exactly some of these are used, can only be one’s guess, but I can certainly infer a few things from this.

  • VEHICLE_DATA_LEGACY – So this seems to be the ‘old’ end point, hence the legacy. The new endpoint is now at ‘VEHICLE_DATA’ which seems to return a combined (some) vehicle information, and, consolidate data state of the vehicle. This seems to be cleaner than the earlier version where it was too isolated and multiple calls.
  • NEARBY_CHARGING_SITES – The name says it all – returns a list of Tesla chargers close by (both superchargers, and destination chargers).
  • Media – there are a few media controls that are outlined below. I think these were part of earlier updates when a passenger could control the media playback from their phone. Most of the names are self explanatory and I skipped outlining them below.
    • MEDIA_NEXT_TRACK and MEDIA_PREVIOUS_TRACK – plays the next and previous track respectively.
    • MEDIA_NEXT_FAVORITE and MEDIA_PREVIOUS_FAVORITE – This skips to the next / previous favourite station (different from the track).
  • DEACTIVATE_DEVICE_TOKEN – This is new but I am not sure how this is different from REVOKE_AUTH_TOKEN. What kind of devices is this looking to revoke? AFAIK, it doesn’t seem to be related to the Powerwall.
  • ROADSIDE_ASSISTANCE_DATA – Intrigued seeing this and not sure what data it is sending (need to spend more time writing code to examine the output of the API). I wonder if this is related to the ETA details that might be pushed out (see Elon’s tweet).
  • SET_SENTRY_MODE – As the name suggests, this toggles Sentry mode for the car.
  • Software updates (from the phone) – as expected a couple of API’s to start and cancel software updates – SCHEDULE_SOFTWARE_UPDATE, CANCEL_SOFTWARE_UPDATE
  • REMOTE_SEAT_HEATER_REQUEST – Switching on the seat heating in the car. I presume there will be parameters on which seat, and the setting for each of the seats.
  • REFERRAL_DATA – I would be interested to see what this shows and how it is changing on the backend given that Tesla can’t seem to make up their mind on how to run this and keep changing it adhoc.
  • Message Center – there are a bunch of API’s that are around message center and I wonder what that exactly means. Is it messages in the app (you know, the Inbox that you have seen), or is it something new coming out on the screen in the car. (e.g. MESSAGE_CENTER_MESSAGE, MESSAGE_CENTER_MESSAGE_ACTION_UPDATE, etc.

I have the full output pasted below for you to have a look . This is as of v3.8.2 and it includes not just the car, but the powerwall, and the charging sites (both destination and superchargers).

    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "oauth/token",
    "AUTH": false
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "oauth/revoke",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/products",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/data",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/vehicle_data",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/nearby_charging_sites",
    "AUTH": true
  "WAKE_UP": {
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/wake_up",
    "AUTH": true
  "UNLOCK": {
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/door_unlock",
    "AUTH": true
  "LOCK": {
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/door_lock",
    "AUTH": true
  "HONK_HORN": {
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/honk_horn",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/flash_lights",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/auto_conditioning_start",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/auto_conditioning_stop",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/set_temps",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/set_charge_limit",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/sun_roof_control",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/actuate_trunk",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/remote_start_drive",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/charge_port_door_open",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/charge_port_door_close",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/charge_start",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/charge_stop",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/media_toggle_playback",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/media_next_track",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/media_prev_track",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/media_next_fav",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/media_prev_fav",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/media_volume_up",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/media_volume_down",
    "AUTH": true
  "SEND_LOG": {
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/logs",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/notification_preferences",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/notification_preferences",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicle_subscriptions",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicle_subscriptions",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/device/{device_token}/deactivate",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/upcoming_calendar_entries",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/set_valet_mode",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/reset_valet_pin",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/speed_limit_activate",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/speed_limit_deactivate",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/speed_limit_set_limit",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/speed_limit_clear_pin",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/schedule_software_update",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/cancel_software_update",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/set_sentry_mode",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/users/powerwall_order_entry_data",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "powerwall_order_page",
    "AUTH": true,
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/users/onboarding_data",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "onboarding_page",
    "AUTH": true,
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/users/service_scheduling_data",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "service_scheduling_page",
    "AUTH": true,
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/users/referral_data",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "referral_page",
    "AUTH": true,
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/users/roadside_assistance_data",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "roadside_assistance_page",
    "AUTH": true,
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/messages",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/messages/{message_id}",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/messages/count",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/messages/{message_id}/actions",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "messages_cta_page",
    "AUTH": true,
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/users/command_token",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/users/keys",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/diagnostics",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/diagnostics",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/powerwalls/{battery_id}/status",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/powerwalls/{battery_id}",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/powerwalls/{battery_id}/powerhistory",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/powerwalls/{battery_id}/energyhistory",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/powerwalls/{battery_id}/backup",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/powerwalls/{battery_id}/site_name",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/powerwalls/{battery_id}/operation",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/energy_sites/{site_id}/status",
    "AUTH": true
  "SITE_DATA": {
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/energy_sites/{site_id}/live_status",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/energy_sites/{site_id}/site_info",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/energy_sites/{site_id}/history",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/energy_sites/{site_id}/backup",
    "AUTH": true
  "SITE_NAME": {
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/energy_sites/{site_id}/site_name",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/energy_sites/{site_id}/operation",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/energy_sites/{site_id}/time_of_use_settings",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/energy_sites/{site_id}/storm_mode",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/notification_confirmations",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/navigation_request",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/remote_seat_heater_request",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/remote_steering_wheel_heater_request",
    "AUTH": true

Update on Tesla .ssq files

Sometime back, I noticed the car downloaded a large file (5.1 GB) which was a .ssq file. I hadn’t heard of a ssq file, and was curious on what this was.

I researched a little and as it turns out, a .ssq file is a compressed file system which is often used in an embedded Linux system, where storage size might be a area of concern. This file-system is called SquashFS, and is usually used on a read-only mode.

SquashFS is interesting, as it lets one mount the file-system directly and is distributed as a kernel source patch – which makes it easy to daisy chain and use it other regular Linux tools.

SquashFS tools are useful to mount and create a SquashFS file-system. As shown below, I can mount the downloaded file, using unsquashfs.

unsquashfs to mount a SquashFS file-system

I think it is known that Tesla uses Valhalla for their maps and this file is the updated maps data. Valhalla, is a open source routing library which is using OpenStreetMap. Valhalla, also incorporates the traditional travelling salesman problem which is a non-deterministic polynomial problem.

When extracted and mounted, we see the following directory structure; each of these folders (and files therein) are in fact the tiles that make up the maps (next time in the car, when you zoom in or out or search of a non-cached location, notice carefully on how it is loading and you can just about make out the tiles – it is quick and easy to miss). And it is these tiles that is used for routing as part of the navigation. 

Tiled based routing is supposed to be beneficial – it uses less memory (the graph can be decomposed much easier, with a smaller set of it loaded in memory), cahce-able, easier to manage (update-able), etc. We can see a glimpse on how the routing and calculation happen on a tile basis below.

tiles based routing

When, extracted we see there are three levels of hierarchy (0, 1, and, 2). In the file-system these are shown as directories, but there is a method to the madness.

  • Level 0 – these contain edges pertaining to roads that are considered highway / freeway / motorway roads. These are stored as 4 degree tiles.
  • Level 1 – contains roads that are at a arterial level and are saved in 1 degree tiles.
  • Level 2 – these are local roads and are saved as 0.25 degree tiles.

For example, the world at Level 0 would look like what we are seeing in the image below. And Pennsylvania can be seen below that; Level 0 colored in light blue, Level 1 in light green, and finally Level 2 in light red (which might not be obvious with the translucency).

World Level 0 tiles
Pennsylvania Level 0, 1, and 2 tiles

So, to use this, one can use a few helper functions to get the exact tile to load and vice-versa. For example using the GPS coordinate of 41.413203, -73.623787 (which is just outside of Brewster, NY), loading Level 2 (via the get_title_2 function) would give us the structure of /2/000/756/425.gph using which we know which tile to load.

Helper function (in python) that help obtain levels, tile ids, tile lists, lat/long coordinates, etc. from an intersecting box.

valhalla_tiles = [{'level': 2, 'size': 0.25}, {'level': 1, 'size': 1.0}, {'level': 0, 'size': 4.0}]

def get_tile_level(id):
  return id & LEVEL_MASK

def get_tile_index(id):
  return (id >> LEVEL_BITS) & TILE_INDEX_MASK

def get_index(id):

def tiles_for_bounding_box(left, bottom, right, top):
  #if this is crossing the anti meridian split it up and combine
  if left > right:
    east = tiles_for_bounding_box(left, bottom, 180.0, top)
    west = tiles_for_bounding_box(-180.0, bottom, right, top)
    return east + west
  #move these so we can compute percentages
  left += 180
  right += 180
  bottom += 90
  top += 90
  tiles = []
  #for each size of tile
  for tile_set in valhalla_tiles:
    #for each column
    for x in range(int(left/tile_set['size']), int(right/tile_set['size']) + 1):
      #for each row
      for y in range(int(bottom/tile_set['size']), int(top/tile_set['size']) + 1):
        #give back the level and the tile index
        tiles.append((tile_set['level'], int(y * (360.0/tile_set['size']) + x)))
  return tiles

def get_tile_id(tile_level, lat, lon):
  level = filter(lambda x: x['level'] == tile_level, valhalla_tiles)[0]
  width = int(360 / level['size'])
  return int((lat + 90) / level['size']) * width + int((lon + 180 ) / level['size'])

def get_ll(id):
  tile_level = get_tile_level(id)
  tile_index = get_tile_index(id)
  level = filter(lambda x: x['level'] == tile_level, valhalla_tiles)[0]
  width = int(360 / level['size'])
  height = int(180 / level['size'])
  return int(tile_index / width) * level['size'] - 90, (tile_index % width) * level['size'] - 180

Tesla has actually open-sourced their implementation of Valhalla, which is based on C++. This still seems like an active project, but parts of the code haven’t been updated for a while.

Whilst I haven’t tried to set this up myself, it seems quite simple. Below are the instructions to get this going on Ubuntu or Debian (I think Mac is also supported, but needs a little different dependency set).

#below are the dependencies needed
sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:valhalla-core/valhalla
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y autoconf automake make libtool pkg-config g++ gcc jq lcov protobuf-compiler vim-common libboost-all-dev libboost-all-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libprime-server0.6.3-dev libprotobuf-dev prime-server0.6.3-bin
#if you plan to compile with data building support, see below for more info
sudo apt-get install -y libgeos-dev libgeos++-dev liblua5.2-dev libspatialite-dev libsqlite3-dev lua5.2
if [[ $(grep -cF xenial /etc/lsb-release) > 0 ]]; then sudo apt-get install -y libsqlite3-mod-spatialite; fi
#if you plan to compile with python bindings, see below for more info
sudo apt-get install -y python-all-dev

#install with the following
git submodule update --init --recursive
make test -j$(nproc)
sudo make install

There you have it – we know now what the .ssq files are and how they are used. Just need more time to get it going and play with it – perhaps another project for another time. 🙂

Tesla v9 API endpoints

In case you haven’t been following the news, Tesla is in the process of releasing the new firmware beta. I think many folks online are super interested in new autopilot upgrades.

I reverse engineered the associated app and there are certainly a few new end points exposed, as outlined below. Need time to now figure out more details on this and what they entail. Also need time to see what changes in the existing code and json (data structure). 

Is it interesting to go noodle on this, and see the associated calls. This outlines all the products as of today

    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "oauth/token",
    "AUTH": false
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "oauth/revoke",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/products",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/data",
    "AUTH": true
  "WAKE_UP": {
    "TYPE": "POST",     
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/wake_up",
    "AUTH": true
  "UNLOCK": {
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/door_unlock",
    "AUTH": true
  "LOCK": {
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/door_lock",
    "AUTH": true
  "HONK_HORN": {
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/honk_horn",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/flash_lights",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/auto_conditioning_start",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/auto_conditioning_stop",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/set_temps",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/set_charge_limit",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/sun_roof_control",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/actuate_trunk",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/remote_start_drive",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/charge_port_door_open",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/charge_port_door_close",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/charge_start",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/charge_stop",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/media_toggle_playback",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/media_next_track",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/media_prev_track",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/media_next_fav",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/media_prev_fav",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/media_volume_up",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/media_volume_down",
    "AUTH": true
  "SEND_LOG": {
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/logs",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/notification_preferences",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/notification_preferences",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicle_subscriptions",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicle_subscriptions",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/device/{device_token}/deactivate",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/upcoming_calendar_entries",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/set_valet_mode",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/reset_valet_pin",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/speed_limit_activate",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/speed_limit_deactivate",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/speed_limit_set_limit",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/speed_limit_clear_pin",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/schedule_software_update",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/cancel_software_update",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/users/powerwall_order_entry_data",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "powerwall_order_page",
    "AUTH": true,
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/users/onboarding_data",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "onboarding_page",
    "AUTH": true,
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/users/referral_data",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "referral_page",
    "AUTH": true,
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/messages",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/messages/{message_id}",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/messages/count",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/messages/{message_id}/actions",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "messages_cta_page",
    "AUTH": true,
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/users/command_token",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/users/keys",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/diagnostics",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/diagnostics",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/powerwalls/{battery_id}/status",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/powerwalls/{battery_id}",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/powerwalls/{battery_id}/powerhistory",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/powerwalls/{battery_id}/energyhistory",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/powerwalls/{battery_id}/backup",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/powerwalls/{battery_id}/site_name",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/powerwalls/{battery_id}/operation",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/energy_sites/{site_id}/status",
    "AUTH": true
  "SITE_DATA": {
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/energy_sites/{site_id}/live_status",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/energy_sites/{site_id}/site_info",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/energy_sites/{site_id}/history",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/energy_sites/{site_id}/backup",
    "AUTH": true
  "SITE_NAME": {
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/energy_sites/{site_id}/site_name",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/energy_sites/{site_id}/operation",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/energy_sites/{site_id}/time_of_use_settings",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/energy_sites/{site_id}/storm_mode",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/notification_confirmations",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/navigation_request",
    "AUTH": true

Setting up your own Model 3 “keyfob” – using a IoT Button

Some time ago, I talked about my Tesla Model 3 “keyfob” which essentially uses a Amazon IoT button to call some of Tesla API’s and “talk” to the car. This for me, is cool as it allows my daughter to unlock, and lock the car at home. And of course it is a bit geeky, and allowing one to play with more things. 🙂

Since publishing this, I was surprised how many of you ping me asking on details on how they can did this for themselves. Given the level of interest, I thought I will document this and outline the steps here. I do have to warn you, that this would be a little long – it entails getting a IoT Button configured, and then the code deployed. Before you get started, and if you aren’t techy, I would recommend to go through the post completely, so you get a sense of what is needed.

At a high level, below are the steps that you need to go through to get this working. And this might seem cumbersome and a lot but it is not that difficult. Also if you prefer you can follow the official AWS documentation online here.

  1. Create a AWS Login (if you have a existing login, you can use the same one if you prefer)
  2. Order a IoT Button
  3. Register the IoT Button in the AWS Registry (this is done via the AWS console)
  4. Create (and activate) a device certificate
  5. Create a IoT security policy
  6. Attach the IoT security policy (from the previous step) to the device certificate created earlier
  7. Attach the IoT security policy (now with the associated certificate) to the IoT button
  8. Configure the IoT button
  9. Deploy some code – this is done via a server-less function (also called a Lambda function) – this is the code that gets executed
  10. Test and Deploy
  11. Enjoy the Fob! 🙂

Step 1 – Get the IoT Button

Of course you need to get a IoT Button; I got the AWS IoT Button (2nd Generation) which is what I would recommend.

Step 2 – Login to AWS IoT Console

Open AWS home page and login with your credentials. Of course if you don’t have a account, then you want to click in sign up on the top right corner, to get this started.

AWS Login

After I login, I see something similar to the screenshot below. Your exact view might differ a little.

AWS Console

I recommend to change the region to one closer to you. To do this, click on the region on the top right corner and choose a region that is physically closest to you. In the longer run this would help with latency issues between you clicking the button and the car responding. For example in my case, Oregon makes most sense.

AWS Region Selection

Once you have a AWS account setup, login to the AWS IoT console or on the AWS page in the previous step, scroll down to IoT Core as shown in the screenshot below.

AWS Console

Step 3 – Register IoT Button

Next step would be to register your IoT button – which of course means you physically have the button with you. The best way to register is to follow the instructions here. I don’t see much sense in trying to replicate that here.

Note: If you are not very technical, or comfortable, it might be best to use either the “AWS IoT Button Dev” app which is available both on the Apple Store (for iOS) and Google play (for Android).

Once you have registered a button (it doesn’t matter what you call it) – it will show up similar to the screenshot below. I only have one device listed.

List of IoT things

Step 4 – Create a Device Certificate

Next, we need to create and activate a certificate for the device. Without this, the button won’t work. The certificate (which is a X.509 certificate) protects the communication between the button and AWS.

For most people, the one-click certification creation that AWS has, is probably the way to go. To get to this, on the AWS IoT console, click on Secure and then choose Certificates on the left if not already selected as shown below. I already have a certificate that you can see in the screenshot below.


If you need to create a certificate, click on the Create button on the top right corner, and choose one of the options shown in the image below. In most cases you would want to use the One-click certificate option.

Certificate creation options

NOTE: Once you create a Certificate, you get three files (these are the keys) that you need to download and keep safe. The certificate itself can be downloaded anytime, but the private and the public keys CANNOT be retrieved again after you close this page. It is IMPORTANT that you download these and save them in a safe place.

Certificate Keys

Once you have these downloaded then click on Activate on the bottom. And you should see a different certificate number than what you are seeing here. And don’t worry I have long deleted what you are seeing on this screen. 🙂

You can also see these in the developer guide on AWS documentation.

Step 5 – Create a IoT Security Policy

Next step is go back to the AWS IoT Console page and click on Policies under Security. This is used to create a IoT policy that you will need to attach to the certificate. Once you have a policy created, then it will look something like the screenshot below.

IoT Policies

To create a policy, click on Create (or you might be prompted automatically if you don’t have one). On the create screen, in the Name you can enter anything that you prefer. I would suggest naming this something that you can remember and differentiate if you will have more than one button. In my case I named it as the same thing as my device.

  • In the policy statements for Action enter “iot:Connect” – without the quotes, but this is case sensitive so make sure you match is exactly.
  • For the Resource ARN enter “*” (again without the quotes) as shown below.
  • And finally for the effect, make sure “Allow” is checked.
  • And click on Create at the bottom.
IoT Policy Creation

After this is created this you will see the policies listed as shown below. You can see the new one we just created with “WhateverNameYouWillRecognize“. You can also see these and more details on the developer documentation – Create a AWS IoT Policy.

IoT Policies

Step 6 – Attach a IoT Policy

Next step is to attach the policy that is just created to the certificate created earlier. To do that, click on Secure and Certificates on the left, and then click on the three dots (called ellipses) on the top right of the Certificate you created earlier. From the new menu that you get, choose “Attach Policy” as shown below.

Attach Policy to Certificate

From the resulting menu, select the policy that you had created earlier and select Attach. Using a sensible name that you would recognize would be helpful. You can also see these details on the developer documentation.

Attach Policy to Certificate

Step 7 – Attach Certificate to IoT Device

Next step is to attach the certificate to the IoT device (or thing). A device must have a certificate, a private key and a root CA certificate to authenticate with AWS. Amazon also recommends to attach a device certificate to the device – this probably isn’t helpful right now, but might be in the future if you start playing with this more.

To do this, select the certificate under Security on the left, and same as the previous step, by click on the three dots on the top right corner, select “Attach thing”.

Attach Certificate

And from the next screen select the IoT button that you registered earlier, and select “Attach”.

Attach Certificate

Step 8 – Configure IoT Button

To validate that everything is setup correctly – the certificate needs to be associated with a policy, and a thing (the IoT button in our case). So on the Certificates menu on the left, select your certificate by clicking on it (not the three dots this time – but rather the name). You will see a new screen that shows the details of the certificate as shown below.

Certificate Details

And on the new menu on the left, if you click on Policies you should see the policy you created, and the Things should have the IoT button you created earlier.

Once all of this is done the next step is to configure the device. You can see more detailed steps on this on the developer guide here.

  • KEY TIP: The documentation doesn’t make it too obvious, but as part of configuring – the device (IoT Button) will become an access point that you will need to connect to and upload the certificates and key you created earlier. You cannot do this from a phone and it is best done from a desktop/laptop that has wifi network. Whilst these days all laptops will have a wifi network card, that isn’t necessarily true for desktops. So use a machine which has a wifi that you can temporarily connect to the access point that the IoT device creates.
  • Note this is only needed for getting the device configured to authenticate for AWS, and get on your Wifi network; once that is done you don’t need to do this.
  • Once you have configured the device as outlined ( then continue to the next step.

Step 9 – Deploy some code

At last we are starting to get the interesting part – a lot of what we were doing until now, was getting the button configured and ready.

Now that you have a IoT button configured and registered, the next step is to deploy some code. For this you need to setup a Lambda function using the AWS Lambda Console.

When you login, click on Create Function. On the Create function screen, choose the Blueprints option as shown below. You can see some of these in the developer documentation here.

Create Function screen

Step 10 – Blueprint Search

On the Blueprints search box (which says Filters by tags), type in “button” (without quotes) and press enter. You should see an option called “iot-button-email” as shown below, select that and click configure on the bottom right corner.

IoT Button filter

Step 11 – Basic Information

On the next screen that says “Basic information”, enter the details as shown below. The names should be meaningful for you to remember. Roles can be reused across other areas, for now you can use a simple name something like “unlockCar” or “unlockCarSomeName” if you have more than one vehicle. The policy template should already be populated and you shouldn’t need to do anything else.

Function basic information

For the 2nd half – AWS IoT Trigger, select the IoT type as “IoT Button” and enter your device serial number as outlined in the screenshot below.

IoT Trigger

It won’t hurt to download these certificate and keys in addition to the ones created separately and save them in different folders. And for the Lambda function code, it doesn’t matter on the template code as we will be deleting it all. At this point that will be read-only and you won’t be able to modify anything – as shown in the screen shot below.

Lambda function

And finally scrolling down more, you will see the environment variables. Here is where you need to specify your Tesla credentials to it to be able to use create the token and call the Tesla API. For that you need the following two variables: TESLA_EMAIL and TESLA_PASS. These case sensitive so you need to enter them as is. And then finally click on Create function.

Environment Variables

Step 12 – Code upload

Once you create a function, you will see something like the screen below. In my case the function is called “unlockSquirty” which is what you are seeing. This is divided in to two parts – when on the Configuration page. The top part is the designer that visually shows you what inputs are the triggers that execute the function, and then what it outputs to on the right hand side.  And below the designer is the editor where one can edit the code inline or upload a zip file with the code.

In the function code section, on the first drop down in the left (Code entry type) select upload a .zip file.

And on the next screen upload the function package that you can download from here.

  • Make sure the Runtime is Node.js 8.10
  • Keep the Handler as the default.
  • Double check your Environment variable contain TESLA_EMAIL, and TESLA_PASS.

And scroll down and in the Basic settings, change the timeout to 1 minute. We run thus asynchronously and adding a little buffer would be better. You can leave all the other settings at their default. If your network might be iffy you can make this 2 mins.

Environment Settings

Step 13 – Code Publish

Once you have entered all of this, click on Save on the top right corner and then publish new version. Finally once it is published you will be able to see the code show up as shown in the screenshot below.

Again, a single click will unlock the car, a double-click would lock it, and a long press (holding it for 2-3 seconds) would open the charge port door.

And here is the code:

 var tjs = require('teslajs');

 var username = process.env.TESLA_EMAIL;
 var password = process.env.TESLA_PASS;

 exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => 
  tjs.loginAsync(username, password).done(function(result) 
   var token = JSON.stringify(result.authToken);
   if (token)
    console.log("Login Succesful!");

   var options = 
    authToken: result.authToken

    console.log("Vehicle " + + " is: " + vehicle.state);
    var options = 
     authToken: result.authToken,
     vehicleID: vehicle.id_s

    if(event.clickType == "SINGLE")
     console.log("Single click, attempting to UNLOCK");
      console.log("Doors are now UNLOCKED");
    else if(event.clickType == "DOUBLE")
     console.log("Double click, attempting to LOCK");
     tjs.doorLockAsync(options).done(function(lockResults) {
      console.log("Doors are now LOCKED");
    else if(event.clickType == "LONG")
     console.log("Long click, attempting to CHARGE PORT");
     tjs.openChargePortAsync(options).done(function(openResult) {
      console.log("Charge port is now OPEN");

Tesla .ssq file?

Tonight, I was a large download by the car, and saw that it was a .ssq file. The file name is consistent with the firmware naming convention, but I am not sure on what it is. The file itself is 5.11 GB, and in my case its name starts with “NA”. I am guessing, this might be the maps its updating.

Below are a couple of screenshots showing this. I am trying to make sense of the binary file, but not making much headway.

Curious, anyone has any ideas?

Update: I found out what .ssq files are; read up more here.

Tesla debug/diagnostic screens

I don’t know how to get to debug / dev mode on a Tesla, but did come across this old post, on how someone was in a test drive, which did  have this mode.

Now this is quite old, so a lot has changed, but am impressed that a lot of the components and foundational architecture was setup. I am particularly impressed how each cell in the battery pack and report its state. The BMS that you see is the Battery Management System – that firmware is separate from the car’s firmware.

Tesla diagnostic screen

You can see more photos and geek out online here.

And of course if you really want to geek out, then check out su-tesla, where Hemera has really has gone to party. I don’t know how to do this, and I have a lot of respect for Hemera to do this – she has a lot of guts. Also not sure what the wife would think about it and kick me out. Maybe. 🙂

I am curious though, if those ‘custom’ Ethernet connectors are M12 connectors (PDF) which are quite standard in some industries. Even Amazon sells cables for them.

And finally, from a more (relatively) recent update, the AutoPilot has a tremendous amount of data. As reported here, and you can see on the video below, the volume of data is massive, and quite interesting. For example, what decides there are 4 virtual lanes? The car below is a US car (the country code 840 is a ISO 3166 code).

Tesla voice command list

As I was trying to understand more on the capabilities of the car, and what options I can do. The voice recognition on the car is quite impressive, it does seem as good at understanding as Amazon’s Echo, at least in the early days of “Alexa” (but that is a different story for another time).

I was trying to understand what things can I control, or the options one has via the voice. I am still not used to it, and keep forgetting, that is a option especially when driving. As of the v8 firmware series, the following are the choices that work for voice. Credit to Ingineer for discovering the full list when hacking the car.

The options in English are listed below, and this is missing the “ho ho ho” Easter egg and also the “cancel navigation” command.

"voice_command_list" : [
"command_type" : "navigate",
"description" : "drive to",
"description" : "drive 2",
"description" : "dr to",
"description" : "dr 2",
"description" : "drive",
"description" : "dr",
"description" : "navigate to",
"description" : "navigate 2",
"description" : "navigate",
"description" : "where is",
"description" : "take me to",
"description" : "take me 2",
"description" : "take me",

"command_type" : "call",
"description" : "call",
"description" : "dial",
"description" : "phone",

"command_type" : "note",
"description" : "note",
"description" : "report",
"description" : "bug note",
"description" : "bug report",

"command_type" : "play",
"description" : "play",
"description" : "plays",
"description" : "listen to",
"description" : "listens to",
"description" : "listen 2",
"description" : "listens 2"

And if you are keen to know, these are stored as a json file internally, and the fill list here here:

    "voice_command_list" : [
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "drive to",
            "command_regexp" : "^drive to\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "drive 2",
            "command_regexp" : "^drive 2\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "dr to",
            "command_regexp" : "^dr to\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "dr 2",
            "command_regexp" : "^dr 2\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "drive",
            "command_regexp" : "^drive\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "dr",
            "command_regexp" : "^dr\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "navigate to",
            "command_regexp" : "^navigate to\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "navigate 2",
            "command_regexp" : "^navigate 2\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "navigate",
            "command_regexp" : "^navigate\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "where is",
            "command_regexp" : "^where is\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "take me to",
            "command_regexp" : "^take me to\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "take me 2",
            "command_regexp" : "^take me 2\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "take me",
            "command_regexp" : "^take me\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "naviguer à",
            "command_regexp" : "^naviguer à\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "naviguer au",
            "command_regexp" : "^naviguer au\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "aller à",
            "command_regexp" : "^aller à\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "aller au",
            "command_regexp" : "^aller au\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "nach navigieren",
            "command_regexp" : "^nach\\b(.*)\\bnavigieren$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "zur navigieren",
            "command_regexp" : "^zur\\b(.*)\\bnavigieren$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "zu navigieren",
            "command_regexp" : "^zu\\b(.*)\\bnavigieren$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "nach fahren",
            "command_regexp" : "^nach\\b(.*)\\bfahren$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "zur fahren",
            "command_regexp" : "^zur\\b(.*)\\bfahren$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "zu fahren",
            "command_regexp" : "^zu\\b(.*)\\bfahren$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "wo ist",
            "command_regexp" : "^wo ist\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "navigiere nach",
            "command_regexp" : "^navigiere nach\\b(.*)\\b$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "navigiere zu",
            "command_regexp" : "^navigiere zu\\b(.*)\\b$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "导航到",
            "command_regexp" : "^导航到(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "在哪",
            "command_regexp" : "^(.*)在哪$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "开车到",
            "command_regexp" : "^开车到(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "导航去",
            "command_regexp" : "^导航去(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "導航去",
            "command_regexp" : "^導航去(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "導航到",
            "command_regexp" : "^導航到(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "帶我去",
            "command_regexp" : "^帶我去(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "帶我到",
            "command_regexp" : "^帶我到(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "去",
            "command_regexp" : "^去(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "到",
            "command_regexp" : "^到(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "call",
            "description" : "call",
            "command_regexp" : "^call\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "call",
            "description" : "dial",
            "command_regexp" : "^dial\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "call",
            "description" : "phone",
            "command_regexp" : "^phone\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "call",
            "description" : "appeler",
            "command_regexp" : "^appeler\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "call",
            "description" : "composer",
            "command_regexp" : "^composer\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "call",
            "description" : "wählen",
            "command_regexp" : "^(.*)\\bwählen$"
            "command_type" : "call",
            "description" : "anrufen",
            "command_regexp" : "^(.*)\\banrufen$"
            "command_type" : "call",
            "description" : "wähle",
            "command_regexp" : "^wählen\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "call",
            "description" : "ruf an",
            "command_regexp" : "^ruf\\b(.*)\\ban$"
            "command_type" : "call",
            "description" : "rufe an",
            "command_regexp" : "^rufe\\b(.*)\\ban$"
            "command_type" : "call",
            "description" : "打电话给",
            "command_regexp" : "^打电话给(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "call",
            "description" : "打电话给",
            "command_regexp" : "^给(.*)打电话$"
            "command_type" : "call",
            "description" : "拨打",
            "command_regexp" : "^拨打(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "call",
            "description" : "打给",
            "command_regexp" : "^打给(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "call",
            "description" : "打電話俾",
            "command_regexp" : "^打電話俾(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "call",
            "description" : "打俾",
            "command_regexp" : "^打俾(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "call",
            "description" : "打電話去",
            "command_regexp" : "^打電話去(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "call",
            "description" : "打去",
            "command_regexp" : "^打去(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "call",
            "description" : "打電話比",
            "command_regexp" : "^打電話比(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "call",
            "description" : "打比",
            "command_regexp" : "^打比(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "note",
            "description" : "note",
            "command_regexp" : "^note\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "note",
            "description" : "report",
            "command_regexp" : "^report\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "note",
            "description" : "bug note",
            "command_regexp" : "^bug note\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "note",
            "description" : "bug report",
            "command_regexp" : "^bug report\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "play",
            "description" : "play",
            "command_regexp" : "^play\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "play",
            "description" : "plays",
            "command_regexp" : "^plays\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "play",
            "description" : "listen to",
            "command_regexp" : "^listen to\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "play",
            "description" : "listens to",
            "command_regexp" : "^listens to\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "play",
            "description" : "listen 2",
            "command_regexp" : "^listen 2\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "play",
            "description" : "listens 2",
            "command_regexp" : "^listens 2\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "play",
            "description" : "écouter",
            "command_regexp" : "^écouter\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "play",
            "description" : "jouer",
            "command_regexp" : "^jouer\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "play",
            "description" : "spielen",
            "command_regexp" : "^(.*)\\bspielen$"
            "command_type" : "play",
            "description" : "hören",
            "command_regexp" : "^(.*)\\bhören$"
            "command_type" : "play",
            "description" : "abspielen",
            "command_regexp" : "^(.*)\\babspielen$"
            "command_type" : "play",
            "description" : "abhören",
            "command_regexp" : "^(.*)\\babhören$"
            "command_type" : "play",
            "description" : "spiele",
            "command_regexp" : "^spiele\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "play",
            "description" : "spiel",
            "command_regexp" : "^spiel\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "play",
            "description" : "播放",
            "command_regexp" : "^播放(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "play",
            "description" : "收听",
            "command_regexp" : "^收听(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "play",
            "description" : "我想聽",
            "command_regexp" : "^我想聽(.*)$"

Whilst the #NLP engine working on this is quite good, and impressive, I am hopeful that there will be more options added. Elon did share that is something they are working on, and it might be part of the updated v9 release coming out in the next few weeks.

Generating Tesla authentication token – cURL script

UPDATE: This cURL script doesn’t work anymore. This was originally published back in 2018 when it was the best way to do this. Over the last few years however Tesla has deprecated this endpoint (/oauth/token) and moved to a SSO service ( which is a completely different approach. I’ll have a look and if there is a simple way to do it, then will share it here.

I did write a simple Windows (desktop) app called TeslaTokenGenerator, for those who wanted to create authentication tokens for their Tesla, and use with 3rd party apps/data loggers. 

TeslaTokenGenerator can also create a cURL script for you to use, if you prefer not wanting to install anything. It is easy to find this online, but some of you have pinged me to get more details on this. So, I have the script below that you can use. Once you copy this, you will need to update your Tesla account login details (email and password) and run it in a console (command line) and it will all the same API’s to create the token, which then you can save.

curl -X POST -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW" -F "grant_type=password" -F "client_id=81527cff06843c8634fdc09e8ac0abefb46ac849f38fe1e431c2ef2106796384" -F "client_secret=c7257eb71a564034f9419ee651c7d0e5f7aa6bfbd18bafb5c5c033b093bb2fa3" -F "email=YOUR-TESLA-LOGIN-EMAIL@SOMEWHERE.COM" -F "password=YOUR-TESLA-ACCOUNT-PASSWORD" ""

You can see the screenshots of this below too – one in Windows, and another in Linux (well Bash on Windows, but it is real Linux).

My Tesla Model 3 “Keyfob”

Inspired by a few folks on a few forums online, I took the liberty to extend their idea using a IoT Button, that acts as a simple “keyfob” for the Model 3.

The main goal was being to allow my daughter to lock and unlock the car at home. She is too young to have a phone, and without a more traditional fob, this gets a little annoying. 

I extended the original idea, to understand the different presses (Single, Double, and Long press), and accordingly called the appropriate API to lock the car (single press – think of it as a single click), unlock on a double press, and open the charge port on a long press (when one presses and holds the button 2-3 secs).

Model 3 “Keyfob”

For those who aren’t aware, the Amazon IoT buttons calls a Lambda function on AWS and plugging into that, one can extend this. The button needs to be connected, and online for this to work, and in my case, it is on the home wifi network. 

Update: Many of you asked on how to set this up for yourself; I got around to blogging all the step on that; you can read those here.

Windows Tesla Auth Token Generator

If you have a Tesla, and are using (or wanting to use) 3rd party tools or data loggers, the one think they of course need is to authenticate your details with Tesla. A simple, but insecure way is to use your Tesla credentials – and surprisingly many people just happily share and use this.

I wasn’t comfortable doing this – after-all, they have access to your account where you can control a lot of things. Also, there are a few online tools that can generate the auth token, but again I wasn’t comfortable, as I did not know what they saved, or what they did not. 🙂

So, I wrote a simple Windows app that can allow you to generate a auth token that you can save. The application itself is simple. You enter your Tesla credentials, click on Generate Token and can save the generated token. 

Tesla Token Generator Application

To test, if the generated token is working – click on the Test Token button. If everything is working as expected, you will see a list of vehicles that is associated with your account.

If you prefer to use the cURL script, click on the Generate cURL, will generate this and copy it to your clipboard. And it works across operating systems as you can see below (Windows, and Linux), but should also work on Mac.

I do intent to open source this, so folks can have a look at the code, and the Tesla REST APIs. Until then you can download the setup from here.

Leave a comment if you have any issues or any requests.

Update: v1.0.1 Published with minor updates. You can download from the same link above. This adds the revoke screen and some house keeping.