Nuget packages not found after installing Visual Studio 2022

I recently needed to install Visual Studio 2022 on one my existing machines to debug a new zeroshot model that has a dependency on our Speech SDK. The Speech SDK is one of our key #AI services in Cognitive Services (as part of #AzureAI). I already had VSCode running, but in this case I need the bigger brother.

After installing Visual Studio, I could not get any nuget packages to install; I could not even fetch anything and didn’t matter what I used – the package manager console in Visual Studio, PowerShell, etc.

Nuget would only point to the local offline package store, which in my case is available at: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\NuGetPackages\. I kept getting the error: Package X is not found on source 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\NuGetPackages\'

I could not understand the behavior, and not seen this before. Turns out it is a known issue, albeit not very common. Seems like if either PowerShell’s Install-Module, or Chocolatey’s coco command was used before using nuget or Visual Studio for the first time, this will happen.

The solution is to add as a package source, and the URL it should point to is: Below is the screenshot on what this looks in Visual Studio for me:

Screenshot showing updated nutget package sources in Visual Studio 2022
Updated nuget package sources

If one is setting up a brand new dev box, the odds of you running into this is low; in my case given I was adding Visual Studio 2022 much later is what caused this. There is more details on this here too.

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Amit Bahree

This blog is my personal blog and while it does reflect my experiences in my professional life, this is just my thoughts. Most of the entries are technical though sometimes they can vary from the wacky to even political – however that is quite rare. Quite often, I have been asked what’s up with the “gibberish” and the funny title of the blog? Some people even going the extra step to say that, this is a virus that infected their system (ahem) well. [:D] It actually is quite simple, and if you have still not figured out then check out this link – whats in a name?

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