Tesla REST APIs v3.8.2

It has been a while since I played with the various Tesla endpoint (APIs) – been too busy and haven’t had the time. I de-compiled the Tesla app and noticed a few new things in there – or at least new to me.

The following are the ones which seem new and stand out. How exactly some of these are used, can only be one’s guess, but I can certainly infer a few things from this.

  • VEHICLE_DATA_LEGACY – So this seems to be the ‘old’ end point, hence the legacy. The new endpoint is now at ‘VEHICLE_DATA’ which seems to return a combined (some) vehicle information, and, consolidate data state of the vehicle. This seems to be cleaner than the earlier version where it was too isolated and multiple calls.
  • NEARBY_CHARGING_SITES – The name says it all – returns a list of Tesla chargers close by (both superchargers, and destination chargers).
  • Media – there are a few media controls that are outlined below. I think these were part of earlier updates when a passenger could control the media playback from their phone. Most of the names are self explanatory and I skipped outlining them below.
    • MEDIA_NEXT_TRACK and MEDIA_PREVIOUS_TRACK – plays the next and previous track respectively.
    • MEDIA_NEXT_FAVORITE and MEDIA_PREVIOUS_FAVORITE – This skips to the next / previous favourite station (different from the track).
  • DEACTIVATE_DEVICE_TOKEN – This is new but I am not sure how this is different from REVOKE_AUTH_TOKEN. What kind of devices is this looking to revoke? AFAIK, it doesn’t seem to be related to the Powerwall.
  • ROADSIDE_ASSISTANCE_DATA – Intrigued seeing this and not sure what data it is sending (need to spend more time writing code to examine the output of the API). I wonder if this is related to the ETA details that might be pushed out (see Elon’s tweet).
  • SET_SENTRY_MODE – As the name suggests, this toggles Sentry mode for the car.
  • Software updates (from the phone) – as expected a couple of API’s to start and cancel software updates – SCHEDULE_SOFTWARE_UPDATE, CANCEL_SOFTWARE_UPDATE
  • REMOTE_SEAT_HEATER_REQUEST – Switching on the seat heating in the car. I presume there will be parameters on which seat, and the setting for each of the seats.
  • REFERRAL_DATA – I would be interested to see what this shows and how it is changing on the backend given that Tesla can’t seem to make up their mind on how to run this and keep changing it adhoc.
  • Message Center – there are a bunch of API’s that are around message center and I wonder what that exactly means. Is it messages in the app (you know, the Inbox that you have seen), or is it something new coming out on the screen in the car. (e.g. MESSAGE_CENTER_MESSAGE, MESSAGE_CENTER_MESSAGE_ACTION_UPDATE, etc.

I have the full output pasted below for you to have a look . This is as of v3.8.2 and it includes not just the car, but the powerwall, and the charging sites (both destination and superchargers).

    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "oauth/token",
    "AUTH": false
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "oauth/revoke",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/products",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/data",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/vehicle_data",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/nearby_charging_sites",
    "AUTH": true
  "WAKE_UP": {
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/wake_up",
    "AUTH": true
  "UNLOCK": {
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/door_unlock",
    "AUTH": true
  "LOCK": {
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/door_lock",
    "AUTH": true
  "HONK_HORN": {
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/honk_horn",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/flash_lights",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/auto_conditioning_start",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/auto_conditioning_stop",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/set_temps",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/set_charge_limit",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/sun_roof_control",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/actuate_trunk",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/remote_start_drive",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/charge_port_door_open",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/charge_port_door_close",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/charge_start",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/charge_stop",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/media_toggle_playback",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/media_next_track",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/media_prev_track",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/media_next_fav",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/media_prev_fav",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/media_volume_up",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/media_volume_down",
    "AUTH": true
  "SEND_LOG": {
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/logs",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/notification_preferences",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/notification_preferences",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicle_subscriptions",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicle_subscriptions",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/device/{device_token}/deactivate",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/upcoming_calendar_entries",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/set_valet_mode",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/reset_valet_pin",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/speed_limit_activate",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/speed_limit_deactivate",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/speed_limit_set_limit",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/speed_limit_clear_pin",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/schedule_software_update",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/cancel_software_update",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/set_sentry_mode",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/users/powerwall_order_entry_data",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "powerwall_order_page",
    "AUTH": true,
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/users/onboarding_data",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "onboarding_page",
    "AUTH": true,
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/users/service_scheduling_data",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "service_scheduling_page",
    "AUTH": true,
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/users/referral_data",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "referral_page",
    "AUTH": true,
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/users/roadside_assistance_data",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "roadside_assistance_page",
    "AUTH": true,
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/messages",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/messages/{message_id}",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/messages/count",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/messages/{message_id}/actions",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "messages_cta_page",
    "AUTH": true,
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/users/command_token",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/users/keys",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/diagnostics",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/diagnostics",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/powerwalls/{battery_id}/status",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/powerwalls/{battery_id}",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/powerwalls/{battery_id}/powerhistory",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/powerwalls/{battery_id}/energyhistory",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/powerwalls/{battery_id}/backup",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/powerwalls/{battery_id}/site_name",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/powerwalls/{battery_id}/operation",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/energy_sites/{site_id}/status",
    "AUTH": true
  "SITE_DATA": {
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/energy_sites/{site_id}/live_status",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/energy_sites/{site_id}/site_info",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "GET",
    "URI": "api/1/energy_sites/{site_id}/history",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/energy_sites/{site_id}/backup",
    "AUTH": true
  "SITE_NAME": {
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/energy_sites/{site_id}/site_name",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/energy_sites/{site_id}/operation",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/energy_sites/{site_id}/time_of_use_settings",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/energy_sites/{site_id}/storm_mode",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/notification_confirmations",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/navigation_request",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/remote_seat_heater_request",
    "AUTH": true
    "TYPE": "POST",
    "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/command/remote_steering_wheel_heater_request",
    "AUTH": true

Published by

Amit Bahree

This blog is my personal blog and while it does reflect my experiences in my professional life, this is just my thoughts. Most of the entries are technical though sometimes they can vary from the wacky to even political – however that is quite rare. Quite often, I have been asked what’s up with the “gibberish” and the funny title of the blog? Some people even going the extra step to say that, this is a virus that infected their system (ahem) well. [:D] It actually is quite simple, and if you have still not figured out then check out this link – whats in a name?

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