Tesla voice command list

As I was trying to understand more on the capabilities of the car, and what options I can do. The voice recognition on the car is quite impressive, it does seem as good at understanding as Amazon’s Echo, at least in the early days of “Alexa” (but that is a different story for another time).

I was trying to understand what things can I control, or the options one has via the voice. I am still not used to it, and keep forgetting, that is a option especially when driving. As of the v8 firmware series, the following are the choices that work for voice. Credit to Ingineer for discovering the full list when hacking the car.

The options in English are listed below, and this is missing the “ho ho ho” Easter egg and also the “cancel navigation” command.

"voice_command_list" : [
"command_type" : "navigate",
"description" : "drive to",
"description" : "drive 2",
"description" : "dr to",
"description" : "dr 2",
"description" : "drive",
"description" : "dr",
"description" : "navigate to",
"description" : "navigate 2",
"description" : "navigate",
"description" : "where is",
"description" : "take me to",
"description" : "take me 2",
"description" : "take me",

"command_type" : "call",
"description" : "call",
"description" : "dial",
"description" : "phone",

"command_type" : "note",
"description" : "note",
"description" : "report",
"description" : "bug note",
"description" : "bug report",

"command_type" : "play",
"description" : "play",
"description" : "plays",
"description" : "listen to",
"description" : "listens to",
"description" : "listen 2",
"description" : "listens 2"

And if you are keen to know, these are stored as a json file internally, and the fill list here here:

    "voice_command_list" : [
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "drive to",
            "command_regexp" : "^drive to\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "drive 2",
            "command_regexp" : "^drive 2\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "dr to",
            "command_regexp" : "^dr to\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "dr 2",
            "command_regexp" : "^dr 2\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "drive",
            "command_regexp" : "^drive\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "dr",
            "command_regexp" : "^dr\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "navigate to",
            "command_regexp" : "^navigate to\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "navigate 2",
            "command_regexp" : "^navigate 2\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "navigate",
            "command_regexp" : "^navigate\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "where is",
            "command_regexp" : "^where is\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "take me to",
            "command_regexp" : "^take me to\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "take me 2",
            "command_regexp" : "^take me 2\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "take me",
            "command_regexp" : "^take me\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "naviguer à",
            "command_regexp" : "^naviguer à\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "naviguer au",
            "command_regexp" : "^naviguer au\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "aller à",
            "command_regexp" : "^aller à\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "aller au",
            "command_regexp" : "^aller au\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "nach navigieren",
            "command_regexp" : "^nach\\b(.*)\\bnavigieren$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "zur navigieren",
            "command_regexp" : "^zur\\b(.*)\\bnavigieren$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "zu navigieren",
            "command_regexp" : "^zu\\b(.*)\\bnavigieren$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "nach fahren",
            "command_regexp" : "^nach\\b(.*)\\bfahren$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "zur fahren",
            "command_regexp" : "^zur\\b(.*)\\bfahren$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "zu fahren",
            "command_regexp" : "^zu\\b(.*)\\bfahren$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "wo ist",
            "command_regexp" : "^wo ist\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "navigiere nach",
            "command_regexp" : "^navigiere nach\\b(.*)\\b$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "navigiere zu",
            "command_regexp" : "^navigiere zu\\b(.*)\\b$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "导航到",
            "command_regexp" : "^导航到(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "在哪",
            "command_regexp" : "^(.*)在哪$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "开车到",
            "command_regexp" : "^开车到(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "导航去",
            "command_regexp" : "^导航去(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "導航去",
            "command_regexp" : "^導航去(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "導航到",
            "command_regexp" : "^導航到(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "帶我去",
            "command_regexp" : "^帶我去(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "帶我到",
            "command_regexp" : "^帶我到(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "去",
            "command_regexp" : "^去(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "navigate",
            "description" : "到",
            "command_regexp" : "^到(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "call",
            "description" : "call",
            "command_regexp" : "^call\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "call",
            "description" : "dial",
            "command_regexp" : "^dial\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "call",
            "description" : "phone",
            "command_regexp" : "^phone\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "call",
            "description" : "appeler",
            "command_regexp" : "^appeler\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "call",
            "description" : "composer",
            "command_regexp" : "^composer\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "call",
            "description" : "wählen",
            "command_regexp" : "^(.*)\\bwählen$"
            "command_type" : "call",
            "description" : "anrufen",
            "command_regexp" : "^(.*)\\banrufen$"
            "command_type" : "call",
            "description" : "wähle",
            "command_regexp" : "^wählen\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "call",
            "description" : "ruf an",
            "command_regexp" : "^ruf\\b(.*)\\ban$"
            "command_type" : "call",
            "description" : "rufe an",
            "command_regexp" : "^rufe\\b(.*)\\ban$"
            "command_type" : "call",
            "description" : "打电话给",
            "command_regexp" : "^打电话给(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "call",
            "description" : "打电话给",
            "command_regexp" : "^给(.*)打电话$"
            "command_type" : "call",
            "description" : "拨打",
            "command_regexp" : "^拨打(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "call",
            "description" : "打给",
            "command_regexp" : "^打给(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "call",
            "description" : "打電話俾",
            "command_regexp" : "^打電話俾(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "call",
            "description" : "打俾",
            "command_regexp" : "^打俾(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "call",
            "description" : "打電話去",
            "command_regexp" : "^打電話去(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "call",
            "description" : "打去",
            "command_regexp" : "^打去(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "call",
            "description" : "打電話比",
            "command_regexp" : "^打電話比(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "call",
            "description" : "打比",
            "command_regexp" : "^打比(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "note",
            "description" : "note",
            "command_regexp" : "^note\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "note",
            "description" : "report",
            "command_regexp" : "^report\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "note",
            "description" : "bug note",
            "command_regexp" : "^bug note\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "note",
            "description" : "bug report",
            "command_regexp" : "^bug report\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "play",
            "description" : "play",
            "command_regexp" : "^play\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "play",
            "description" : "plays",
            "command_regexp" : "^plays\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "play",
            "description" : "listen to",
            "command_regexp" : "^listen to\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "play",
            "description" : "listens to",
            "command_regexp" : "^listens to\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "play",
            "description" : "listen 2",
            "command_regexp" : "^listen 2\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "play",
            "description" : "listens 2",
            "command_regexp" : "^listens 2\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "play",
            "description" : "écouter",
            "command_regexp" : "^écouter\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "play",
            "description" : "jouer",
            "command_regexp" : "^jouer\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "play",
            "description" : "spielen",
            "command_regexp" : "^(.*)\\bspielen$"
            "command_type" : "play",
            "description" : "hören",
            "command_regexp" : "^(.*)\\bhören$"
            "command_type" : "play",
            "description" : "abspielen",
            "command_regexp" : "^(.*)\\babspielen$"
            "command_type" : "play",
            "description" : "abhören",
            "command_regexp" : "^(.*)\\babhören$"
            "command_type" : "play",
            "description" : "spiele",
            "command_regexp" : "^spiele\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "play",
            "description" : "spiel",
            "command_regexp" : "^spiel\\b(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "play",
            "description" : "播放",
            "command_regexp" : "^播放(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "play",
            "description" : "收听",
            "command_regexp" : "^收听(.*)$"
            "command_type" : "play",
            "description" : "我想聽",
            "command_regexp" : "^我想聽(.*)$"

Whilst the #NLP engine working on this is quite good, and impressive, I am hopeful that there will be more options added. Elon did share that is something they are working on, and it might be part of the updated v9 release coming out in the next few weeks.

How many lines of code does it take?

Often once hears are Lines of Code (LoC) as a metric. And for you to get a sense of what it means, below is a info-graphic that outlines some popular products, and services and the LoC that takes. Always interesting to get perspective – either appreciate some home grown system you are managing, or worried about a stinking pile you are going to inherit or build. 🙂

Generating Tesla authentication token – cURL script

UPDATE: This cURL script doesn’t work anymore. This was originally published back in 2018 when it was the best way to do this. Over the last few years however Tesla has deprecated this endpoint (/oauth/token) and moved to a SSO service (auth.tesla.com) which is a completely different approach. I’ll have a look and if there is a simple way to do it, then will share it here.

I did write a simple Windows (desktop) app called TeslaTokenGenerator, for those who wanted to create authentication tokens for their Tesla, and use with 3rd party apps/data loggers. 

TeslaTokenGenerator can also create a cURL script for you to use, if you prefer not wanting to install anything. It is easy to find this online, but some of you have pinged me to get more details on this. So, I have the script below that you can use. Once you copy this, you will need to update your Tesla account login details (email and password) and run it in a console (command line) and it will all the same API’s to create the token, which then you can save.

curl -X POST -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW" -F "grant_type=password" -F "client_id=81527cff06843c8634fdc09e8ac0abefb46ac849f38fe1e431c2ef2106796384" -F "client_secret=c7257eb71a564034f9419ee651c7d0e5f7aa6bfbd18bafb5c5c033b093bb2fa3" -F "email=YOUR-TESLA-LOGIN-EMAIL@SOMEWHERE.COM" -F "password=YOUR-TESLA-ACCOUNT-PASSWORD" "https://owner-api.teslamotors.com/oauth/token"

You can see the screenshots of this below too – one in Windows, and another in Linux (well Bash on Windows, but it is real Linux).

My Tesla Model 3 “Keyfob”

Inspired by a few folks on a few forums online, I took the liberty to extend their idea using a IoT Button, that acts as a simple “keyfob” for the Model 3.

The main goal was being to allow my daughter to lock and unlock the car at home. She is too young to have a phone, and without a more traditional fob, this gets a little annoying. 

I extended the original idea, to understand the different presses (Single, Double, and Long press), and accordingly called the appropriate API to lock the car (single press – think of it as a single click), unlock on a double press, and open the charge port on a long press (when one presses and holds the button 2-3 secs).

Model 3 “Keyfob”

For those who aren’t aware, the Amazon IoT buttons calls a Lambda function on AWS and plugging into that, one can extend this. The button needs to be connected, and online for this to work, and in my case, it is on the home wifi network. 

Update: Many of you asked on how to set this up for yourself; I got around to blogging all the step on that; you can read those here.

Windows Tesla Auth Token Generator

If you have a Tesla, and are using (or wanting to use) 3rd party tools or data loggers, the one think they of course need is to authenticate your details with Tesla. A simple, but insecure way is to use your Tesla credentials – and surprisingly many people just happily share and use this.

I wasn’t comfortable doing this – after-all, they have access to your account where you can control a lot of things. Also, there are a few online tools that can generate the auth token, but again I wasn’t comfortable, as I did not know what they saved, or what they did not. 🙂

So, I wrote a simple Windows app that can allow you to generate a auth token that you can save. The application itself is simple. You enter your Tesla credentials, click on Generate Token and can save the generated token. 

Tesla Token Generator Application

To test, if the generated token is working – click on the Test Token button. If everything is working as expected, you will see a list of vehicles that is associated with your account.

If you prefer to use the cURL script, click on the Generate cURL, will generate this and copy it to your clipboard. And it works across operating systems as you can see below (Windows, and Linux), but should also work on Mac.

I do intent to open source this, so folks can have a look at the code, and the Tesla REST APIs. Until then you can download the setup from here.

Leave a comment if you have any issues or any requests.

Update: v1.0.1 Published with minor updates. You can download from the same link above. This adds the revoke screen and some house keeping.