TFS on the Road–Windows Phone 7 App

Pedro has build one of the best apps for Windows Phone 7 (WP7) that I have ever come across – TFS on the Road. As the application navigation map shows below it covers most aspects of TFS that you would be interested in – all packaged up in a very nice GUI. 🙂

application navigation map

Best of all, the application is free and you can get it from WP7 Market Place or if you want the code then from CodePlex. There are more screenshots for you to see what this looks like.

Before you go away and install the app, you need to have TFS OData Services installed and made available over IIS. If you are using CodePlex, then you are good to go as Microsoft already has that switched on.

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Amit Bahree

This blog is my personal blog and while it does reflect my experiences in my professional life, this is just my thoughts. Most of the entries are technical though sometimes they can vary from the wacky to even political – however that is quite rare. Quite often, I have been asked what’s up with the “gibberish” and the funny title of the blog? Some people even going the extra step to say that, this is a virus that infected their system (ahem) well. [:D] It actually is quite simple, and if you have still not figured out then check out this link – whats in a name?

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