Not sure if I agree with the assessment that its Coldplay that is bad, rather I think its EMI. Seems like the whole Sony Saga again.
Month: December 2005
10 tips to keep your computer spyware-free
I stumbled across this article talking about how to keep your computer spyware-free, all good advice. Now one less thing I need to be tech-support for the friends and family. 🙂
Exception Management in Threads
Exception Management is a topic near and dear to me personally, primarily because of the lack of understanding of most developers (that I have come across). There is an interesting change in the .NET 2.0 CLR on how it manages unhandled exceptions in a thread. If you write multi-threaded apps then this is important for you to understand. If you don’t write multi-threaded apps today, but I presume you would soon, then this is a good learning exercises.
In .NET 2.0 the CLR allows unhandled exceptions in threads to proceed naturally – which in many cases probably means that the application will terminate. For certain cases (listed below) where exceptions are used for controlling program flow, the CLR does provide a backstop for unhandled exceptions in threads. Note, the CLR terminated the threads in these cases and does not propagate the exception further.
- Abort() is called causing a ThreadAbortException.
- AppDomain (in which the thread is running) is being unloaded, causing a AppDomainUnloadedException.
- The Host process (or CLR) terminates the thread via an internal exception.
This is a significant change from .NET v1.x where there is no concept of a Unhandled Exception in many situations such as a Thread pool. If an unhandled exception is thrown, the runtime prints that to the console and then returns the thread to the thread pool. Also, if an unhandled exception occurs in the Start() method of a Thread class, the runtime again prints the exception stack trace to the console and then gracefully terminating the thread. Lastly, if an unhandled exception occurs on a Finalizer thread, the trace is written to the console, and the finalizer thread is allowed to resume!
Needless to say, if you have code currently designed for this, it will break in .NET 2.0 and you would need to change your implementation. As a temporary workaround you can choose your app to still use the old style from v1.x by setting the
<legacyUnhandledExceptionPolicy enabled=”1″/>
If you got MSDN installed for VS 05, you can read more here then.
Superhero – The Developers Song
Thanks to Wai for pointing this out, this is a rock song (I think) dedicated to Developers, you can download the songs in both mp3 and wma in various bit rates and they also have the lyrics; not bad I would say. 🙂
Best XBOX Ad Ever?
I got this via one of our communities internally at Avanade, and I have to admit it is pretty darn good, not sure why MS is now allowed to air it.
Do you get less wet if you run in the rain?
Seems like BBC is answering exactly the same question, and if you ask me they got too much free time on their hands.
Delhi Airport, Fog and Dilbert
I don’t know if I should laugh or be worried (when I fly into Delhi next month), but it seems the brand-spanking-new ILS landing system for Delhi Airport is not only setup correctly, there is no one trained to use it (yet), with some people in the government claiming success. It seems like a page out of Dilbert and seems like déjà vu when it comes to IT projects.
The Ultimate Desktop Graphics Card Comparison Guide
Adrian’s Rojapot has published the ultimate desktop graphics card comparison guide with over 240 cards being compared, grouped by Vendor and 15 points of comparison.
Its Snowing!
Its snowing here in London right now – first snow if the season and its big flakes! Yippppeee!
Software Engineering Proverbs
Check out the Software Engineering Proverbs, oh how true they are 🙂
Execution Context
It is quite interesting to see how many people don’t understand the basics of threading, while it is a difficult topic (especially to debug), and it is not the silver bullet for all the problems, but it sure is quite handy for certain things. With the inevitable shift to multi-core CPU’s and the release of Vista to take better opportunity of these extra power, more applications in the future should be ready to exploit them. Which makes it quite important for the average developer to start playing and understanding this.
If you are new to this, one of the classes I would recommend reading up on is called ExecutionContext class. This class essentially is the equivalent of the COM Apartment (from the good old COM days). This class provides a single container for all information relevant to a logical thread of execution which includes security context, call context, synchronization context, localization context, and transaction context. You cannot change context of the thread (to which a ExecutionContext is attached), you can only copy it to another thread. If you do try and copy it you will get an Exception.
Here is an example from MSDN on how to use this (also testing the new CopyAsHTML Addin):
1 using System;
2 using System.Threading;
3 using System.Security;
4 using System.Collections;
5 using System.Security.Permissions;
6 using System.Runtime.Serialization;
7 using System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging;
9 namespace Contoso
10 {
11 class ExecutionContextSample
12 {
13 static void Main()
14 {
15 try
16 {
17 Console.WriteLine(“Executing Main in the primary thread.”);
18 FileDialogPermission fdp = new FileDialogPermission(
19 FileDialogPermissionAccess.OpenSave);
20 fdp.Deny();
21 // Capture the execution context containing the Deny.
22 ExecutionContext eC = ExecutionContext.Capture();
24 // Suppress the flow of the execution context.
25 AsyncFlowControl aFC = ExecutionContext.SuppressFlow();
26 Thread t1 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(DemandPermission));
27 t1.Start();
28 t1.Join();
29 Console.WriteLine(“Is the flow suppressed? “ +
30 ExecutionContext.IsFlowSuppressed());
31 Console.WriteLine(“Restore the flow.”);
32 aFC.Undo();
33 Console.WriteLine(“Is the flow suppressed? “ +
34 ExecutionContext.IsFlowSuppressed());
35 Thread t2 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(DemandPermission));
36 t2.Start();
37 t2.Join();
38 // Remove the Deny.
39 CodeAccessPermission.RevertDeny();
40 // Capture the context that does not contain the Deny.
41 ExecutionContext eC2 = ExecutionContext.Capture();
42 // Show that the Deny is no longer present.
43 Thread t3 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(DemandPermission));
44 t3.Start();
45 t3.Join();
47 // Set the context that contains the Deny.
48 // Show the deny is again active.
49 Thread t4 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(DemandPermission));
50 t4.Start();
51 t4.Join();
52 // Demonstrate the execution context methods.
53 ExecutionContextMethods();
54 Console.WriteLine(“Demo is complete, press Enter to exit.”);
55 Console.Read();
56 }
57 catch (Exception e)
58 {
59 Console.WriteLine(e.Message);
60 }
61 }
62 // Execute the Demand.
63 static void DemandPermission()
64 {
65 try
66 {
67 Console.WriteLine(“In the thread executing a Demand for “ +
68 “FileDialogPermission.”);
69 new FileDialogPermission(
70 FileDialogPermissionAccess.OpenSave).Demand();
71 Console.WriteLine(“Successfully demanded “ +
72 “FileDialogPermission.”);
73 }
74 catch (Exception e)
75 {
76 Console.WriteLine(e.Message);
77 }
78 }
80 static void ExecutionContextMethods()
81 {
82 // Generate a call context for this thread.
83 ContextBoundType cBT = new ContextBoundType();
84 cBT.GetServerTime();
85 ExecutionContext eC1 = ExecutionContext.Capture();
86 ExecutionContext eC2 = eC1.CreateCopy();
87 Console.WriteLine(“The hash code for the first execution “ +
88 “context is: “ + eC1.GetHashCode());
90 // Create a SerializationInfo object to be used for getting the
91 // object data.
92 SerializationInfo sI = new SerializationInfo(
93 typeof(ExecutionContext),
94 new FormatterConverter());
96 eC1.GetObjectData(
97 sI,
98 new StreamingContext(StreamingContextStates.All));
100 LogicalCallContext lCC = (LogicalCallContext)sI.GetValue(
101 “LogicalCallContext”,
102 typeof(LogicalCallContext));
104 // The logical call context object should contain the previously
105 // created call context.
106 Console.WriteLine(“Is the logical call context information “ +
107 “available? “ + lCC.HasInfo);
108 }
109 }
112 // One means of communicating between client and server is to use the
113 // CallContext class. Calling CallContext effectivel puts the data in a thread
114 // local store. This means that the information is available to that thread
115 // or that logical thread (across application domains) only.
116 [Serializable]
117 public class CallContextString : ILogicalThreadAffinative
118 {
119 String _str = “”;
121 public CallContextString(String str)
122 {
123 _str = str;
124 Console.WriteLine(“A CallContextString has been created.”);
125 }
127 public override String ToString()
128 {
129 return _str;
130 }
131 }
133 public class ContextBoundType : ContextBoundObject
134 {
135 private DateTime starttime;
137 public ContextBoundType()
138 {
139 Console.WriteLine(“An instance of ContextBoundType has been “ +
140 “created.”);
141 starttime = DateTime.Now;
142 }
143 [SecurityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.Demand, Flags = SecurityPermissionFlag.Infrastructure)]
144 public DateTime GetServerTime()
145 {
146 Console.WriteLine(“The time requested by a client.”);
147 // This call overwrites the client’s
148 // CallContextString.
149 CallContext.SetData(
150 “ServerThreadData”,
151 new CallContextString(“This is the server side replacement “ +
152 “string.”));
153 return DateTime.Now;
154 }
155 }
157 }
CopySourceAsHTML For Visual Studio 2005
If you read the Ten Essential Tools Visual Studio Add-Ins Every Developer Should Download Now in MSDN Mag, then you are aware of CopySourceAsHTML which unfortunately works for only Visual Studio 2003. But if you are using VS 2005, fear not as Derick Bailey has updated the add-in. There is no installer (yet), but you can download the code and build it, which will locally also install the add-in.
Two Chinese Students
Check out the two Chinese students singing; I do like the kid at the back who is too busy to be bothered. 🙂
Belkin Screen Shots
As a few of you had requested below are links to some screen shots for the Belkin router.
- Current Status
- Login Screen
- LAN Settings
- DHCP Client List
- WAN Connection Type
- MAC Address
- Wireless – Channel and SSID
- Security
- Use as Access Point
- MAC Address Control
- Firewall – Virtual Servers
- Firewall – Client IP Filters
- Firewall – DMZ
- Firewall – DDNS
- WAN Ping Blocking
- Parental Control
- Restart Router
- Restore Factory Defaults
- Save/Backup Current Settings
- Restore Settings
- Firmware Update
- System Settings
Could not resolve type [your-type-here], contract cannot be created.
If you are writing an Indigo service and you can an error for something like the one shown below, then essentially you change the interface (i.e. your contract) you implemented in Indigo (now WCF), but forgot to change the interface in the web.config.
<endpoint contract=“MY-TYPE-HERE” binding=“wsHttpBinding“/>
Could not resolve type IMyService, contract cannot be created. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.InvalidOperationException: Could not resolve type IMyService, contract cannot be created.
Source Error: An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.
Stack Trace:
[InvalidOperationException: Could not resolve type ICalculators, contract cannot be created.]
Funny Error Msg
I had send an email to a friend and based on the email bouncing I know I had the old email address; but this is one of the funniest error messages I have receive in a long time, it did put a smile on the face.
Hi. This is the qmail-send program at
I’m afraid I wasn’t able to deliver your message to the following addresses.
This is a permanent error; I’ve given up. Sorry it didn’t work out.
Santa Instant Message Worm!
Beware, there is a new IM worm that promises a picture of Santa, but instead delivers a rootkit! The initial message will appear to come from someone on your IM list and will include “|” DONT click on that link! The worm is called IM.GiftCom.All. Read more here.
You could be an engineer:
- If you introduce your wife as “mylady@home.wife”
- If you have more toys than your kids
- If you need a checklist to turn on the TV
- If you can remember 7 computer passwords but not your anniversary
- If you think that when people around you yawn, its because they didn’t get enough sleep
- If your wife hasn’t the foggiest idea what you do at work
- If you spend more on your home computer than your car
Read more here