Karan pointed me this one, you need to read through the letter – its hilarious! And my dad has encountered a similar thing in real life, except from Australia.
Month: November 2005
New MCE Cases
I am quite happy with the case I have for my MCE, but I came across the following to new cases, which if I had to buy now I would seriously consider – they are on opposite end of the spectrum and depending on what you need and your budget one might be a better fit than the other.
Drool on! 🙂
Trip down memory lane
A fellow Avanader is on the way to Seattle and I was helping him find deals for Fry’s and that that is probably the only thing I miss about the US! There is nothing close to that in the UK! The trip down memory lane has been quite nostalgic for me. 🙂
How to install Mac OS X on a x86 machine?
So, if I want to do something like this, and install Mac OS X on an old machine (with an Intel x86 CPU) then where do I get a version of Mac OS X (10.4.1 I think will work), so I can play around with this? I have never had a Mac so not sure where to start. Thoughts?
Geeks gone wild!
Picked this up on one of the communities at work, and is possibly a true case of Geeks Gone Wild! Make sure you have your volume turned on to appreciate the effort gone into it. I want to know where does this chap live and the cost of electricity, especially on this cold, foggy, mysterious night here in London 🙂
WinFX Nov CTP support VS 05 RTM
If you read my earlier post you would know you could not get WinFX running with the RTM version of VS 05, but now that MS publicly just released the Nov CTP of the WinFX that is compatible with VS 05 RTM, so you can breathe in peace. 🙂
As always there are three pieces you need to get to, one is the WinFX Runtime itself (2.68 mb), two is the VS 05 WinFX Extensions (2.32 mb), and lastly the SDK (929 mb – yep its big) if you desire. The SDK is just documentation and does not include the runtime.
Office 12 Beta 1 is out
Office 12 Beta 1 was release today, unfortunately due to various NDA clauses, I cannot get into too much detail at this time. But slashdot has the story and there are screen shots of it by pcmag here. All I can say is that this is probably the only time I am more excited about this than when I moved from Lotus Notes to Outlook 98. 🙂
Sony Rootkit DRM Saga Gets Messy
From PCMag, Sony’s incredible gaffe – creating a DRM applet that loads prior to the operating system – has caused an incredible furor. Sony agreed to suspend the program, but that’s not all. Now the rest of the world is piling on. Microsoft now says it will delete the rootkit directly with its anti-spyware program, and it’ll be included in the December version of the Malicious Software Removal Tool. And it looks like the Macintosh, which is also affected by the rootkit, might still be at risk.
I would be very careful of any of the new CD’s I buy – if they are from Sony/BMG then they might have this!
Want to run WinFX Sept. CTP with VS 05 RTM?
Well you can’t. As you might be aware that the .NET runtime are different between Visual Studio 2005 RTM and WinFX Sept CTP build, and the only way you can get this to work together is fall back on Beta 2 of Visual Studio 2005 – which is the only supported version as of now. On the other hand in about a week or so from now, a new WinFX build is supposed to be publicly released, which can coexist and keeps each other happy. If you can wait for a week I could recommend the latter.
Microsoft to go 64 bit only for some products
Microsoft announces that the next version of Exchange, its upcoming Windows Server “Longhorn” Small Business Server and its Centro infrastructure solution for midsize businesses will only be released as 64-bit. More on the story here.